Strength In Our Numbers

29 years of collaboration by engineers, scientists, legal and policy experts in addressing the nation's largest environmental liability

CRESP by the Numbers

  • 14

    DOE Sites Served

  • >20

    Major Reports & Reviews aiding DOE’s Management Decision-Making / Issue Resolution

  • 24

    Universities represented by Faculty and Students since 1995

  • 18

    Current Faculty

  • 118

    Post Doctoral, Graduate and Undergraduate Students

  • 44

    Multi-Disciplinary Research Areas – Engineering, Sciences, Social Sciences & Law

  • 50

    Peer Reviewed Papers Published/Year

  • 29

    Years of Collaboration

#14 DOE Sites Served

Environmental Management Sites

Office of Environmental Management

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC)

Hanford: Richland Operations Office and Office of River Protection

Idaho Operations Office

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management

Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office

Savannah River Site

West Valley Demonstration Project

Legacy Management Sites

Fernald Preserve

Rocky Flats Site

#>20  Significant Reports and Reviews aiding DOE’s Management Decision-Making

3 Reports on the Hanford Site-wide Risk Review Project, which consisted of a comprehensive evaluation of current and future risks and impacts on people and the environment arising from former defense work that took place at Hanford

1 Report on Salmon Exposure to Chromium in the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River

1 Report on the Use of Risk-Informed Management in the Cleanup Program for Former Defense Nuclear Sites

9 Reports on Technical Issues related to the Hanford Site Waste treatment Plant (WTP) Pretreatment Facility (PTF)

#24  Universities represented by Faculty and Students since 1995

  1. Vanderbilt University
  2. Arizona State University*
  3. Georgia Tech University
  4. Howard University
  5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  6. New York University
  7. Oregon State University
  8. Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
  9. Texas Tech University
  10. University of Virginia*
  11. University of Alaska*
  12. University of Arizona*
  13. Colorado State University*
  14. University of California, Davis*
  15. University of Central Florida
  16. University of Delaware*
  17. University of Georgia*
  18. University of Maryland*
  19. University of Michigan*
  20. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey*
  21. University of Pittsburgh*
  22. University of Washington*
  23. University of Wisconsin – Madison
  24. Washington State University

*Past affiliation

#18 Current Faculty

CRESP Member faculty from Vanderbilt University, Georgia Tech, Howard University, New York University, Oregon State University, Rutgers University, Texas Tech University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Central Florida and Washington State University,

#118 Post Doctoral, Graduate and Undergraduate Students

13 Post Docs from 4 Universities

23 Grad Students Vanderbilt University

7 Grad Students Colorado State University

3 Grad Students Georgia Tech

3 Grad Students Howard University

10 Grad Students Oregon State University

1 Grad Student from Rutgers University

1 Grad Student from University of Central Florida

4 Grad Students University of Virginia

17 Graduate Students University of Washington

13 Grad Students University of Wisconsin

24 Undergraduates 

#44 Multi-Disciplinary Research Areas – Engineering, Sciences, Social Sciences & Law

  1. Balancing Risks and Benefits of Fish Consumption
  2. Behavioral Ecology
  3. Chemical and Nuclear Waste Management
  4. Climate Law
  5. Contaminant Mass Transfer Applied to Groundwater
  6. Crystallization Technology to the Recovery and Purification of High-Value-Added Chemicals, including Biologically Produced Materials, and the Use of Crystallization in Environmentally Important Processes.
  7. Cultural and Recreational Exposure to Radioactive and Chemical Hazards
  8. Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment
  9. Economic Incentives for Environmental Protection
  10. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Assessment and Monitoring
  11. Engineered Barriers
  12. Environmental Impact Analysis
  13. Environmental Justice
  14. Environmental Policy and Environmental Forensics
  15. Environmental Remediation
  16. Environmental Restoration and Ecological Integrity
  17. Environmental Transport and Fate of Radionuclides
  18. Global Administrative Law
  19. Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment
  20. Leaching Assessment and Methods
  21. Life-Cycle Analysis and Sustainability Metrics
  22. Long Term Stewardship of Legacy Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Sites
  23. Management of Residuals from Energy Production
  24. Near-Surface Waste Containment
  25. Neutron Activation Analysis
  26. Nuclear and Environmental Policy and Regulation
  27. Nuclear Emergency Response
  28. Nuclear Fuel Cycle
  29. Nuclear Waste Management
  30. Nuclear Waste Regulatory Law and Policy
  31. Operational Readiness and Technology Insertion in Nuclear Facilities
  32. Radiation Dose Assessment
  33. Radiochemistry
  34. Radioecology
  35. Radionuclide Transport
  36. Risk Analysis
  37. Risk Assessment and Risk Management;
  38. Soil, Sediment and Waste Systems
  39. Sustainable Approaches to the Remediation of Contaminated Sites
  40. Sustainable Decision Making
  41. Precautionary Principle and Regulatory Law and Policy
  42. Uncertainty Assessment and Risk Analysis
  43. Urban Redevelopment
  44. Vadose Zone Hydrology and Transport


#50 Peer Reviewed Papers Published/Year

Approximately 250 publications including peer reviewed articles, presentations, books, and reports: 2013-2018
