Since the late 1970s, the
US has utilized a variety of strategies to manage the problem of contaminated
land and groundwater within the 50 states, a problem whose dimension is still
not well defined. Recent estimates indicate that the US may spend up to 1 trillion
dollars over the next 20 to 30 years undoing the environmental damage caused
by improper storage and disposal of hazardous materials and toxic wastes over
the past several decades, but predominantly since the end of World War II. Whether
these expenditures will provide an equivalent level of benefit or risk reduction
to US citizens is a subject of current debate. The effective management and
remediation of this complex array of sites is proving both difficult and expensive.
Research over the past decade has shown that in many cases, technology is limited
in its ability to restore contaminated sites to pre-industrial conditions. In
the US, new policy initiatives are being developed that insure both protection
of human health and the environment, but at significant reduction in life cycle
costs to society. Risk-based decision making is replacing rigid politically
driven remediation decisions. The changes in the US model for management of
contaminated sites provides valuable insights to other nations who are or will
be faced with the same difficult choices balancing the costs of remedial strategies
against potential reduction in risks to human health and the environment.