Rachel M. Acosta

Organizational Communication Researcher
Rutgers University


PhD Candidate, Organizational Communication, Rutgers University
MLIS, University of South Carolina, 2020
B.A., English Literature & Language, Florida International University, 2006

Career Summary: Rachel is a fourth year PhD Candidate focusing on organizational communication at Rutgers University. She also has served for the last two years as a graduate research assistant for Dr. Matthew Weber, a Co-PI for the “Moving Toward Consent-Based Siting of a Federal CISF: Improving Strategies for Community-Informed Decision-Making during Stakeholder and Tribal Engagements” project for the Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP) through Vanderbilt University. Taking an information ecosystem approach, Rachel has been working with Dr. Weber to develop a community-level understanding of trusted information sources regarding nuclear energy and nuclear waste as well as to understand community attitudes towards key topics emerging from community discussion. Her research interests also include liminal experiences of organizational members, multilevel organizing, and paradoxes and tensions in disruptive contexts.

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