Introduction to Nuclear Fuel Cycle Chemistry

August 4-6, 2009, Vanderbilt University School of Engineering –
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Nashville, TN

Agenda and Course information

Course Presentation Powerpoints and Video Available Below

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Course Agenda



Presentation (Powerpoint)

Welcome and Course Introduction David S. Kosson, Vanderbilt University
20 Years of Progress in Processing Nuclear Waste Steven L. Krahn, Department of Energy
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle from Back to Front: A Waste Management Perspective during the Nuclear Renaissance John Marra, Savannah River National Laboratory
Introduction to Nuclear Fuel Cycle Separations Terry Todd, Idaho National Laboratory
Nuclear Radiation (Considerations for Spent Nuclear Fuel Processing) Robert L. Sindelar, Savannah River National Laboratory
Reactor Fuels Allen Croff, ORNL, ret., and USNRC
Spent Fuel Recycle Robert Jubin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nuclear Nonproliferation Cynthia Atkins-Duffin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mining, Milling, Conversion, and Enrichment of Uranium Ores John M. Begovich, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
HLW Treatment and Disposal Program Review Neil Davis, Savannah River Site
Non-Aqueous Processes Mike Goff, Idaho National Laboratory
Complexation Chemistry and Precipitation/Crystallization Processes Gordon Jarvinen, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ion Exchange David T. Hobbs, Savannah River National Laboratory
Separations Equipment Jack Law, Idaho National Laboratory
Environmental Performance Assessment James H. Clarke, Vanderbilt University
Role of Modeling and Simulation in Used Fuel Recycling David DePaoli, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Quantifying the Risk of Nuclear Fuel Recycling Facilities B. John Garrick, U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
Transportation of Radioactive Materials Mark Abkowitz, Vanderbilt University
Waste Forms for an Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle John D. Vienna, Pacific Nowrthwest National Laboratory
Geologic Repositories George M. Hornberger, Vanderbilt University
Sustainability and Nuclear Energy: Perspectives on Alternate Futures Ken Nash, Washington State University


Raymond G. Wymer, Chair, Vanderbilt University

David S. Kosson, Vice‐Chair, Vanderbilt University

Cynthia Atkins‐Duffin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

David DePaoli, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Kathryn Higley, Oregon State University

Terry Todd, Idaho National Laboratory

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