Megan Harkema, Vanderbilt University

PhD, Nuclear Environmental Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 2024
M.S., Nuclear Environmental Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 2022
B.S., Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan, 2018

Career Summary: Megan is a research engineer in the nuclear environmental engineering group at Vanderbilt University. She also serves as the assistant project manager for consent-based siting research led by Vanderbilt’s Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP). Megan’s research interests include developing and applying novel safety analysis techniques as part of nuclear facility design and safety analysis, as well as leveraging historical information/lessons learned from DOE test reactor operation, S&M, and D&D for the design of modern engineered systems and advanced reactors. Megan has been engaged in risk characterization as part of CRESP’s  review of high hazard facilities in the DOE-EM portfolio at the Oak Ridge Reservation. She was previously a DOE-NE University Nuclear Leadership Fellow and, in 2022, received a Nuclear Technology R&D Award in Energy Policy from DOE-NE’s Office of Nuclear Fuel and Supply Chain.

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