CRESP Project Focus Areas

Work conducted by seven consortium member institutions


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Waste Processing & Special Nuclear Materials

Through coordinated research, strategic assessment and reviews, CRESP develops tools and techniques to enhance the integrated performance and safety of engineered and institutional features of waste treatment, containment, storage and land disposal systems. Details

Remediation, Near Surface Disposal & Long-term Stewardship

CRESP assesses, recommends and develops approaches aimed at improving the evaluation, effectiveness and efficiency of remediation and risk mitigation techniques for contaminated environmental resources. Details

Nuclear Waste Management Policy & Strategy

To help make risk-informed selections among different environmental restoration and nuclear waste management options, CRESP develops and demonstrates the appropriate use of methodologies for advancing and communicating comparative life-cycle risk, benefit to human health and ecological resources and cost assessment. Details

Stakeholder Engagement & Communication

To explore how the DOE might build confidence in their decision making, CRESP conducts focus groups and surveys, develops communication tools and educational materials, carries out case and organizational studies and more. Details

Archived Projects

Amchitka Independent Science Assessment (2000 – 2006)

CRESP II (2001-2006)

CRESP I (1995-2000)

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